Covid Vaccine for Our Youngest!

On June 18th, the CDC approved COVID-19 vaccinations for kids six months and older. Pfizer’s vaccine was approved for ages 6 months through 4 years as a three-dose series. Moderna’s vaccine was approved for ages 6 months through 5 years as a two-dose series. These vaccines are becoming available to patients as I write this. […]
Back to School With Delta

Summer in Minnesota is always my favorite time of year. I look forward to lazy days spent in the sunshine on a lake. This year was even a little sweeter because the beginning of the summer coincided with a drop in the Covid-19 cases. For many people, the masks came off and people gathered again […]
COVID Vaccine Myths

The COVID-19 vaccination process has begun in the United States. At South Lake Pediatrics, we have been lucky enough to have it offered to our staff by local health organizations. Trials are just beginning in children. We still don’t know when it will be available for our patients. However, as it is such a hot […]
Flu Myth Busters

With the start of the school year this means the end of summer, the start of routines and the dreaded cold and flu season. For many, this can be a worrisome time of year. I have the joy of working with many families and with the start of school I had the pleasure of seeing […]
The truth about the HPV vaccine

There has been a lot of buzz about the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine over the past several years, both in the medical field as well as in social media. Some of the information has been pro-vaccine and other posts have warned against it. Part of my job as a pediatrician is to understand the […]