Does My Child Need to Go to the Emergency Room?

It’s two in the morning, and you can hear coughing and wheezing coming from your child’s bedroom.  After being sent home from school with a fever yesterday, they barely ate dinner and asked to go to bed early – this definitely didn’t seem like your normal playful, active child!  You go to them and feel […]

Illness Trends in the Office

a doctor holding up a stethiscopre with a graphic of an xray inside

Pediatricians look forward to the week after Labor Day. Kids go back to school, giving a slow down to the crazy pace of summer physical season. Germs haven’t had time to circulate amongst classrooms and families. We breathe in the sweet air of September and gear up for the winter sick season. But, what’s that […]

Staying Healthy During Minnesota Winters

Winter in Minnesota usually means an increase in illnesses such as influenza, strep throat, RSV, vomiting and diarrhea. Parents would like to do everything they can to keep their children healthy. Priority #1—be sure your child’s vaccinations are up to date. So far this season, there have been 15 million cases of influenza illnesses, 140,000 […]