Parent Support and Practical Strategies When You Need Them Most

Erin Walsh, co-founder of Spark and Stitch Institute, is a parent, speaker, educator, and writer. She has worked with communities across the country who want to better understand child and adolescent development and cut through conflicting information about kids and technology. Check out her blog below to learn about some great and easy opportunities for parent education. Link below and on our website under Parent Education.

“But didn’t you co-author the book on the teenage brain?” a friend recently asked me as I shared my uncertainty about how to handle a challenge with my oldest at home.

“Totally. That’s the trick though isn’t it?” I responded. “Just because we know a lot about something doesn’t mean that we can put it into practice consistently at home. That’s why I regularly re-read the book myself!”

We both laughed. Comforted by the mutual understanding that, whether we have tots or teens at home, none of us have parenting entirely figured out. We all need ongoing support as our children change and grow. 

The reality is that we all want to do what is best for our kids. But the path is not always clear and the outcomes feel uncertain at times. If we knew that everything was going to work out in the end, we could just relax! Parenting evokes a lot of fears and uncertainties as well as hopes and joys. 

This is especially true right now. Kids and parents alike are navigating a great deal of uncertainty and challenge. And while we have a world of information at our fingertips, sifting through Google for reliable information and ideas takes energy and time that many of us don’t have. Now more than ever, we deserve evidence-based support, affirmation and concrete strategies that reduce isolation, decrease stress, and normalize our experiences. Even as a speaker and co-author of parenting books, I know that it can be difficult to carve out hours to read parenting books or attend evening workshops. 

That’s why at Spark & Stitch Institute we’ve worked hard to design parent support solutions that meet the demands of our busy lives. We know that parenting challenges don’t happen on a schedule and that parents need access to resources on-the-go. After twenty years of designing workshops and delivering keynotes about setting limits with young children, parenting teens, and handling screen time challenges, we’ve channeled everything we have learned into self-paced online classes for busy lives. 

Self-paced online learning means that you can engage in videos and resources on your own schedules and have access to step-by-step content for up to six months so you can revisit the content when you need it most. With access to short videos, interactive guides and exercises, and an online community forum, you can find and practice approaches that work for your family.

We are thrilled to be partnering with South Lake Pediatrics to bring you our three most popular classes that tackle common parenting challenges from early childhood through adolescence:

  • Why Do They Act That Way: Proven Strategies to Stay Connected to Your Teen
  • CONNECTED: How to Show Up for Your Kids in the Digital Age
  • Say Yes to No: Why Kids Need Loving Boundaries and How to Set Them

None of us have parenting entirely figured out and we shouldn’t have to navigate everyday challenges alone. We hope to see you in these classes so we can keep growing right alongside our kids. Learn more HERE

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