Pierced Ears
Ear piercing is a common cultural practice but when deciding on whether or not to have your child get pierced ears or when it is age appropriate can be challenging. I would not recommend rushing this decision and just getting it done someday when walking by the local Claire’s. Let’s start with when to get […]
1 in 3 Families Struggle to Buy Diapers
Did you know that 1 in 3 families struggle to buy diapers? I am a mom of two children, 18 months apart. They are young adults now but I remember the days when they were both in diapers. In those days we were always penny pinching and the cost of diapers and wipes took a […]
Sun Safety
I was just at a conference where a pediatric dermatologist spoke about sun safety and sunscreen. He shared several bits of information I found interesting. A recent hot topic has been the safety and effectiveness of traditional chemical sunscreens vs mineral based sunscreens (zinc oxide or titanium dioxide). When asked what the best sunscreen is, […]
Preventing Tick Bites
While most of the time ticks are just a nuisance, the bites of some species can cause serious illnesses. The most important ticks to watch out for are the blacklegged ticks (also known as deer ticks), which transmit the majority of tick-borne illnesses in MN. Deer ticks are incredibly small. If you find a larger […]
Bedwetting in Children
The medical term for bedwetting is “nocturnal (night-time) enuresis (incontinence)”. Enuresis is divided into two forms – monosymptomatic and non-monosymptomatic. Monosymptomatic means that there are no daytime urinary symptoms, including no daytime accidents. This most common type of enuresis has two forms – 80% of children in this category have primary enuresis, meaning they have […]
Insect Bites: Prevention and Management
Minnesota is currently experiencing an overabundance of gnats due to a very wet May and high river levels. Typically, the state introduces naturally-occurring soil bacteria into our rivers in mid-May to kill off the larval gnats while they are still in the water, but it was not possible this year. Currently, a species known as […]
Think back to when you were a kid. Do you remember sitting around the TV on Thursday nights to watch prime time with your family? I sure do. We would watch The Cosby Show (gulp) and Family Ties together. When a commercial would come on we would race to the bathroom or to refill our […]
Why bring your child in for a well check?
“My son is so healthy. Why does he need a well check?” “My daughter had so much illness last winter, she saw the doctor ten times. Why does she need to come again for a well check?” “The sports form only needs to be completed every three years. Isn’t that often enough to come in […]
How Much Sleep Does My Child Need?
Sleep is one of the most commonly discussed topics in our well child visits. We all know how vital sleep is for our bodies to function well but, how much sleep do children really need? The following age-based recommendations are from the American Academy of Pediatrics: Infants 4 months to 12 months should sleep 12 […]
Common Sense Eating
As the new year comes and goes, I hear so many people talking about resolutions, often related to “diet”. I also read about different fad diets- restricting this, avoiding that, eliminating entire food groups. As a pediatrician, these “diets” really frustrate me. Decades of research and thousands of years of human existence have proven again […]