COVID Vaccine Myths

The COVID-19 vaccination process has begun in the United States. At South Lake Pediatrics, we have been lucky enough to have it offered to our staff by local health organizations. Trials are just beginning in children. We still don’t know when it will be available for our patients. However, as it is such a hot […]
Preventing Tick Bites

While most of the time ticks are just a nuisance, the bites of some species can cause serious illnesses. The most important ticks to watch out for are the blacklegged ticks (also known as deer ticks), which transmit the majority of tick-borne illnesses in MN. Deer ticks are incredibly small. If you find a larger […]
Seasonal Allergies

We are just about out of our Minnesota winter and with the snow almost gone many of you and your children are already feeling your seasonal allergies starting up again. That all too familiar itchy eyes, watery nose and sneezing will soon be back in full force. There are many things you can do to […]
Vaccines: Why does South Lake Pediatrics care?

When you bring your infant in for their regular health exams, forms are filled out, questions are asked, the little one is examined and then comes the vaccines. Vaccines are a difficult thing for some parents to accept. There is much misinformation out there regarding the dangers of vaccines. There is little information about the […]
Common Colds

This time of year we expect colds to come fast and furious to daycares and elementary schools. It is not at all uncommon for a child’s first winter in daycare or school to catch 10–12 colds. Each of the colds tend to last 10–14 days. That means that your child’s first winter exposed to other […]