Winter Car Seat Safety

Believe it or not, winter is upon us again.  The days of throwing on flip flops and running out the door are coming to an end.  We are spending extra time in the morning adding layers of clothing as the temperatures drop.  It’s a good time to review how to keep kids safe in a […]

Stomach Bugs

Along with colds and coughs, winter brings the joy of stomach bugs. Often referred to as the “stomach flu”, it usually starts with vomiting. Within a day, a child will start having diarrhea. As a parent, how can you help your child at home? When should you bring them to the office? When should you […]

Ear Infections

More likely than not, you have sought medical care for your child for an ear infection.  Ear infections are the most common reason in pediatrics for an office visit.  It’s also the number one diagnosis for kids necessitating an antibiotic.  What is an ear infection?  How do kids get them?  Is there anything you can […]

Influenza in Pediatrics

If you have tried to seek any kind of medical care for a sick child recently, you have likelyexperienced difficulty in being seen. We are off to a very busy and early start to the winter sickseason. In fifteen years of practicing medicine in the Twin Cities, I have never seen such ademand for health […]

School Avoidance

We are a few weeks into the new school year. For many families, the return to routine andstructure is a relief. However, for some, the start of a school year can be quite stressful.Inevitably, South Lake starts getting phone calls about how to help a child or teen that doesn’twant to go to school. Whether […]

Covid Vaccine for Our Youngest!

On June 18th, the CDC approved COVID-19 vaccinations for kids six months and older.  Pfizer’s vaccine was approved for ages 6 months through 4 years as a three-dose series.  Moderna’s vaccine was approved for ages 6 months through 5 years as a two-dose series.  These vaccines are becoming available to patients as I write this.  […]

Infant Formula Shortage

If you have an infant who drinks formula, there’s no doubt you have encountered the current formula shortage we are experiencing. Formula availability is down about 40% in the United States right now. The CDC was informed of four cases, two which resulted in death, from a bacterial infection due to formula made by Abbott […]

Iron Needs in Your Child

The South Lake Pediatrics blog continues to focus on the topic of nutrition and your child in 2022. Each month, we will bring you information on one of many topics in this subject. If there is a particular nutritional question you think would be interesting to learn more about, please feel free to leave a […]

Vitamin D and Your Child’s Health

The South Lake Pediatrics blog will focus on nutrition in 2022. Each month, we will bring you information on one of many topics in this subject. If there is a particular nutritional question you think would be interesting to learn more about, please feel free to leave a comment below. Vitamin D is a popular […]


For a lot of us, the way we perform our work looks much different than it did a year and a half ago.  The concept of working from home was frequently discussed but infrequently put into practice.  Delivery of groceries and online shopping has taken on a whole new meaning. Covid has brought a lot […]