10 Reasons to Play Board Games Together

I admit it. I love board games. I always have and I always will. Some of my fondest memories come from playing games with my family. It turns out, playing boards games as a family has many benefits for intellectual and socioemotional development. Plus, its fun! Here are some great reasons to play:

  1. Family bonding time
  2. Practice problem solving and decision making
  3. Improve memory
  4. Learn to be patient and to take turns
  5. Enhance focus and concentration
  6. Build self-confidence
  7. Learn to lose, win and manage frustration
  8. Develop communication skills
  9. Unplug
  10. Laugh-release endorphins for improved mood

Choosing a game for the entire family for multiple ages, where everyone actually has fun, can seem like a daunting task. Games that are fast paced, take a short amount of time to complete and involve more chance than skill are important. Everyone needs a chance to win, even the little guys, and not just because you let them win. Here are recommendations for games even adults will enjoy!

Games that take 20 minutes or less for ages 4 and up (even 3 yr olds can play with help):

  1. Sleeping Queens
  2. Outfoxed
  3. Sushi Go
  4. Uno
  5. Zingo
  6. Tsura
  7. Rat-a-Tat Cat
  8. Skip-Bo Junior
  9. Spot It!

When kids are a little older and can handle a little more strategy, check these out:

  1. Ticket to Ride
  2. Dixit
  3. Castle Panic
  4. Rummikub
  5. Dominoes
  6. Qwirkle
  7. Sequence
  8. Labyrinth
  9. Yahtzee
  10. Exploding Kittens

When life is moving fast and everyone is busy and tired, it may seem hard to slow down, gather the troops and play some games, but give it a go! It’s good for you and your kids on so many levels, not the least of which is to have some fun!

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