Parent Education
South Lake Pediatrics is an innovative and tech-saavy pediatric clinic. Our Parent Education Program is an important part of the services we offer to families. Please browse videos, blog articles, and e-newsletters to help support you with your parenting journey. Of course, if you have questions, we are always available for appointments.
Videos for Parents
Aches and Pains, Worry and Stress
JoAnne Hoffman Jecha, MD
Move Your Body, Help Your Mind
Julie Ewasiuk, MD
Parenting Defiant Children: A New Way of Thinking
Sam Marzouk, Ph.D., L.P., Promethean Psychology
Supporting Your Child & Their Big and Small Emotions
Katie Holter, PsyD, Katie Marie Therapy and Wellness
The Size and Scale of Feelings
Ashley Crist, LICSW, Prairie Care at South Lake Pediatrics
Marooned at Home: A Survival Kit for New Parents in Extraordinary Times
Tips for Feeding Picky Toddlers
Toddler Behavior: Dr. John's Rules for Better Behaved Toddlers
Looking For More?
If you liked Dr. Sam’s video, here’s where you can find more content.
Dr. Sam Marzouk, a licensed child and adolescent psychologist in Minneapolis and self-proclaimed “psychology geek”, founded Promethean Psychology to help get people excited about all the great things evidence-based psychology has to offer. Dr. Sam works with kids, teens, and young adults and has three specific areas of expertise.
First, he helps teenage and young adult guys discover their strengths and catapult into adulthood on a positive path. Dr. Sam also specializes in pediatric behavioral sleep medicine. He views sleep as our hidden superpower that often gets taken for granted, and enjoys helping kids and teens develop healthy sleeping habits. Finally, Dr. Sam helps kids and teens with diabetes feel less different, more confident, and ready for any challenge life throws at them.
Meet Dr. Sam
Sam Marzouk, Ph.D., L.P., Promethean Psychology
Talkin' Teens: The Truth about "Grounding" Teenagers
Sam Marzouk, Ph.D., L.P., Promethean Psychology
Talkin' Teens: How to Tell if Your Teen Is Depressed
Sam Marzouk, Ph.D., L.P., Promethean Psychology
Talkin' Teens: Understanding Anxiety in Teenager
Sam Marzouk, Ph.D., L.P., Promethean Psychology
Top 5 Myths of ADHD and Teens
Sam Marzouk, Ph.D., L.P., Promethean Psychology
Diabetes and Teens: Three Keys for Parents
Sam Marzouk, Ph.D., L.P., Promethean Psychology
How to Get Your Child to Go to Bed... and Stay In Bed
Sam Marzouk, Ph.D., L.P., Promethean Psychology
Other Local Resources:
Erin Walsh, co-founder of Spark & Stitch Institute, is a parent, speaker, educator, and writer. She has worked with communities across the country who want to better understand child and adolescent development and cut through conflicting information about kids and technology. Check out her blog to learn about some great and easy opportunities for parent education.
We are thrilled to be partnering with Spark & Stitch to bring you three of their most popular classes that tackle common parenting challenges from early childhood through adolescence:
- Why Do They Act That Way: Proven Strategies to Stay Connected to Your Teen
- CONNECTED: How to Show Up for Your Kids in the Digital Age
- Say Yes to No: Why Kids Need Loving Boundaries and How to Set Them
None of us have parenting entirely figured out and we shouldn’t have to navigate everyday challenges alone. We hope to see you in these classes so we can keep growing right alongside our kids. Learn more HERE.